March 10, 2013

Spring break

It's been a whole month so I need to update you on our waitlist number first and foremost :)  we are officially #50 and this month so far, we've already moved 2 spots!!  I'm praying that we move two more this coming week so that my sweet friend, Alison will finally be able to see her daughter's face for the first time!

It's also spring break here in the south, and I just love working on a school schedule so I get to enjoy the breaks too!  We aren't traveling anywhere, but I have some fun activities planned for the week.  We are going to try our hand at fishing, kite flying, swimming at the gym, and hopefully making a zoo trip.  We will finish out the week celebrating Henry's first birthday! He is the little boy that I babysit and he couldn't be any cuter...what do ya think??!

In church planting news we are beginning the fundraising process (insert dark, scary music), and on the more fun side we are also beginning to meet with people to share our vision, mission, and strategy with.  We're going to need to figure out how to have dinners and meetings with people that allow for bedtimes before midnight though :)  We just heard a great sermon on 'the church' that our friend, Kyle preached.  you can check it out for yourself here! and then click on this week's sermon.  My favorite quote from his message, "if we miss God's purpose for the church, we miss our purpose for life."  amen!