February 9, 2013

My hubby just started a blog and I had to share it with ya! it's www.michaelmanuel.org

It's here that Michael's going to share what's going on with our church planting process, so if you're interested, then you should subscribe!  In hopes to keep my roller coaster type emotions out of it for now, here's the bullet point version so far...
-We are incorporated!  'Arise' church is officially official ;)
-We are getting the house in order to sell in order to downsize.  We are also praying about which neighborhood the Lord would guide us to in the Clinton area.
-We are wanting to plant a 'missional community' model of church (anybody besides Michael ever heard of this...no? me either!) There's a great video on his blog that gives you a glimpse.
-We are working on logos :)
-Thinking about part-time jobs
-Attempting to begin fundraising soon...watch out!

1 comment:

  1. Um, I'm pretty sure the Lord is saying that you should move to Woodmoor!
    Praying for you, friend.
