September 30, 2010

one less

'one less' has become a new sort of buzz phrase for me lately. It's referring to the orphan usually in my frame of reference, but here in this interview, Matthew West points out when we follow Christ's call to love our neighbors as ourselves there will inevitably be 'one less' broken heart in the world. and with each adopted orphan, there's 'one less' fatherless child in the world's population of 143 million orphaned children. I'm about that.

One Less by Matthew West (The Story Behind The Song) from emicmg on Vimeo.

September 12, 2010

No Compromise

So this past wednesday night I got to hear Michael preach out of Galatians 6. Paul is passionately teaching the people it's Jesus' work on the cross that matters, and not the cross + the Law. They didn't get it. They were afraid of what people in their culture would think of them if they went all in to follow Jesus. They were afraid what Jesus might call them to...discomfort! Never mind, I'll just stay immersed in my culture and in my comfy, predictable, easy existence. guess who I saw in those galatian people? ME.

Over the past year God has been (very graciously might I add) tilling the soil of my heart to see if I am someone who really will follow Him wherever He leads. "The Lord's Spirit moves to and fro across the Earth to see if there is a people who will follow Him." By the end of this message I was pleading with the Lord that He would find me when he was looking over the Earth, and that I would be found faithful when He called. I honestly wanted to fast forward to heaven when I would be perfected in righteousness for Him, but He whispered to me that He was already pleased with Me. really? I need to let God's love for me sink in...deeply, everyday. So, with my "not yet perfect" self, I'm choosing to not compromise each day.

Paul showed the Galatians he was a legit follower of God's by the beating marks on his back. How does my life look different from those around me in my culture? Lord, lead me!

September 2, 2010

A High Price

I wanted to share something that my sweet friend and partner in ministry, Katie, shared with me last week. I can't forget it, and God has really used her words to strengthen my faith. We were sitting around after a long day at work talking about life and the topic of our friend's adoptions came up. I told her that if God would call me to that, the MONEY factor would just prove to be a mountain that would be immovable. I was admitting my fear at following my Lord in every area of my life. The Cost of discipleship is high. Jesus said to "take up your cross and follow me". That isn't an easy command, and I regret to say it...I've been holding some of my life back. Willing to follow if the cross wasn't too uncomfortable, or the journey too long.

Well, what Katie said next totally changed my attitude and my perspective. I was looking at finances as an immovable mountain, and she was seeing it as an opportunity to watch God move in power. She started tearing up as she told me how glad she was that adoption was so costly, because it's such an amazing picture of God's rescuing ransom of us. To not be able to afford the high price to adopt an orphan into a family, but to love them so much that you do everything you can to get just like God's rescuing adoption journey of us; to bring us into His family forever cost Him EVERYTHING.

God is able. He is the creator of the ends of the earth-and what He calls us to, He will equip us for. These are all truths that I say, but I needed to be reminded of lately. Our small group is going through a study called "Chase the Goose" in which, we've been challenged to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit wherever He calls us. somewhere along the way I've taken the risk, danger, and struggle out of following Jesus, and made it just a comfortable way of life. I love that He's stirring in my spirit to follow His! I feel more alive than ever. I'm excited at the possibilities, and a little scared of the journey He has for me too. But I know following Jesus is worth more than anything-He is the greatest treasure!

So here it is God, my everything in response.

And thank you for such a wonderful friend in Katie!